MHIF Researchers at SCAI 2021 Scientific Sessions

May 11, 2021
MHIF Researchers at SCAI 2021 Scientific Sessions

SCAI 2021 Scientific Sessions were held virtually April 28 – May 1, 2021, and Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation® (MHIF) was well represented with 26 research physicians, staff and MHIF international scholars taking part in 8 live sessions and 9 poster presentations.

The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions (SCAI) is a nonprofit medical society representing invasive and interventional cardiology. This annual conference connects interventional cardiology professionals from across the world to share the latest clinical data, procedural guidance, and advanced expertise in the field.

MHIF is committed to sharing the results of our innovative research, and our breadth of knowledge and expertise across all areas of cardiovascular disease. Research specifically related to heart valve diseasecoronary artery diseasecardiovascular imaging, and structural heart disease was featured at this conference.



MHIF Research at SCAI:

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Session: Planning for Success in High-Risk PCI
Title: CTO Skill Sets Save the Day in Complex PCI
Authors: Emmanouil Brilakis

Session: Featured Clinical Research: Acute Coronary and Cardiogenic Shock
TitleUpdate on the North American COVID-19 Myocardial Infarction (NACMI) Registry
Authors: Santiago Garcia, Christian Schmidt, Ross Garberich

Session: Acute Kidney Injury in Coronary and Peripheral Settings
TitleRenal Considerations in Complex and High-Risk Coronary Interventions
Authors: Emmanouil Brilakis


Thursday, April 29, 2021

Session: Automation, AI, and Robotics—Leading Innovation in the Cath Lab
Title: CTO Intervention with Real-Time CT Fusion Guidance
Authors: Emmanouil Brilakis

Friday, April 30, 2021

Session/Title: Mitral Valve Repair
Moderator: Paul Sorajja
Panelist: Santiago Garcia

Session: Mitral Valve Repair
Title: Refining Approach to Functional MR for the Complex Patient-Low EF/Shock
Authors: Santiago Garcia

Session/Title: Mitral Valve Replacement
Panelist: Paul Sorajja
Q&A Moderator: Vinayak Bapat

Session: Mitral Valve Replacement
Title: Expanding Use of TMVR in Mitral Stenosis Associated with MAC
Authors: Paul Sorajja

Session: Tackling Large Bore Access
Title: Complications and Closure
Authors: Santiago Garcia

Session: Advanced Cardiac Imaging
Title: How Can Cardiac MRI Be Incorporated Into Your Valve Program?
Authors: Joao Cavalcante


Poster Presentations

Session: Abstract Session C: Complex PCI, Restenosis, Left Main, and Multi-Vessel
Title: Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients Undergoing Complex Bifurcation versus Non-bifurcation Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Authors: Ilias Nikolakopoulos, Evangelia Vemmou, Judit Karacsonyi, Ross Garberich, Larissa Stanberry, Bavana Rangan, M.N. Burke, & Emmanouil Brilakis

Session: Best of Coronary Complex Cases
Title: Acute Vessel Closure Solved Using the Retrograde Approach
Authors: Yashasvi Chugh

Session: Abstract Session C: Complex PCI, Restenosis, Left Main, and Multi-Vessel
Title: The Impact of Epicardial Collateral Use on the Outcomes of Retrograde Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Update from an International Registry
Authors: Judit Karacsonyi, Evangelia Vemmou, Ilias Nikolakopoulos, M.N. Burke, Bavana Rangan, & Emmanouil Brilakis

Session: Best of Coronary Complex Cases
Location: Virtual
Title: Murphy’s Law in Left Anterior Descending Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Authors: Judit Karacsonyi & Emmanouil Brilakis

Session: Best of Coronary Complex Cases
Title: PCI of an Anomalous LCX CTO
Authors: Yashasvi Chugh

Session: Best of Coronary Complex Cases
Title: Tortuosity Troubleshooting
Authors: Evangelia Vemmou & Emmanouil Brilakis

Session: Abstract Session A: Acute Coronary Syndromes & MI
Title: In-Hospital Outcomes of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for octogenarians/nonagenarians: Insights from the NCDR Cath-PCI Registry
Authors: Evangelia Vemmou, Ilias Nikolakopoulos, Judit Karacsonyi, Christian Schmidt, Ross Garberich, Larissa Stanberry, Mario Gossl, Paul Sorajja, Ivan Chavez, Michael Mooney, Jay Traverse, Yale Wang, Santiago Garcia, MN Burke, Bavana Rangan, & Emmanouil Brilakis

Session: Abstract Session I: Structural Heart Disease
Title: Assessment of Bioprosthetic Valve Remodeling with Fracture Procedure in Valve-in-Valve TAVR by Computed Tomography Angiography
Authors: Go Hashimoto, Joao Cavalcante, Hirotomo Sato, Bernardo Lopes, Miho Fukui, Mario Gossl, Maurice Enriquez-Sarano, Paul Sorajja, John Lesser, Vinayak Bapat, & Santiago Garcia

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The Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation® (MHIF) strives to create a world without heart and vascular disease. To achieve this bold vision, we are dedicated to improving the cardiovascular health of individuals and communities through innovative research and education.

Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, we can continue this life-saving work. Please make a gift to support lasting change in the lives of individuals we serve and future generations to come.