Research Study: Test2Treat
Every research study comes with its own unique risks and benefits; the study team will assess whether you’re an eligible candidate and ensure you’re provided with all the information you need to decide if participating is right for you.
About this Study:
The goal of this implementation trial is to learn if providing education to doctors and patients who have had a heart event works to prevent future heart problems. The main questions it aims to answer are:
- Does educating the doctors in a health system improve how often patients in the hospital for a heart event have their cholesterol checked?
- Can a "care champion" who calls patients who have been discharged from the hospital after a heart event help patients to achieve their cholesterol goals?
Researchers will compare the number of people who achieve their cholesterol goals with the help of the care champion to the number of people who did so without the intervention to see if the care champion works to help patients lower their cholesterol.
Participants will:
Complete two 15 minute surveys over the phone - 1 at enrollment and 1 at the end of the study 6 months later.
Eligibility Criteria:
Inclusion Criteria:
- Age ≥ 18 years old
- Admitted with Type 1 NSTEMI or STEMI, and/or percutaneous coronary revascularization
- LDL-C level during admission ≥ 70 mg/dL
- Primary care clinician and/or cardiologist within the health system (and with access to the same EHR) who will manage the patient in the outpatient setting
Exclusion Criteria:
- Determined to be highly unlikely to survive and/or to continue follow-up in that health system for at least 6 months (including those on hospice or with significant dementia), as identified by site investigator
- Underwent CABG (would therefore be discharged from surgical service)