Research Study: SURVEILLANCE

Cardiac Rhythm Disorder
Study Sponsor:
Study Investigator:
Dr. JoEllyn Moore
Study Contact:
Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation

Every research study comes with its own unique risks and benefits; the study team will assess whether you’re an eligible candidate and ensure you’re provided with all the information you need to decide if participating is right for you.

About this Study:

The purpose of the Registry is to provide continuing evaluation and periodic reporting of safety and effectiveness of Medtronic market-released products. The Registry data is intended to benefit and support interests of patients, hospitals, clinicians, regulatory bodies, payers, and industry by streamlining the clinical surveillance process and facilitating leading edge performance assessment via the least burdensome approach.

Eligibility Criteria:

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Patient or legally authorized representative provides written authorization and/or consent per institution and geographical requirements
  • Patient has or is intended to receive or be treated with an eligible Medtronic product
  • Patient within enrollment window relative to therapy initiation or meets criteria for retrospective enrollment

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Patient who is, or will be, inaccessible for follow-up
  • Patient with exclusion criteria required by local law
  • Patient is currently enrolled in or plans to enroll in any concurrent drug and/or device study that may confound results

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