MHIF Research at Transcatheter Therapeutics (TCT) 2022

Sep 16, 2022

Transcatheter Therapeutics (TCT) is the annual scientific meeting of the Cardiovascular Research Foundation (CRF) and the world’s premier meeting for interventional cardiovascular medicine. The 2022 conference is in Boston.

MHIF will be well represented in 36 scientific sessions at TCT 2022:

  • 21 Live presentations as lecturer, moderator or discussant
  • 12 moderated poster presentations
  • 3 Live Cases
  • 1 Challenging case presentation


MHIF Center for Coronary Artery Disease LIVE CASE
Abbott Northwestern, Minneapolis Heart Institute – COMPLEX CORONARY CASE

Saturday, Sept. 17 at 9:30 AM EDT
Coronary Theater, Exhibition Level, Hall B, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Live Case Operators:

  • Dr. Emmanouil Brilakis
  • Dr. Paul Sorajja


MHIF Valve Science Center – Participating as LIVE CASE DISCUSSANT
LIVE Case: University of Washington Medical Center – MITRAL ViV Mitral V in MAC and ViV

Saturday, Sept. 17 at 2:00 PM EDT
Structural Theater, Exhibition Level, Hall B, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Live Case Discussant:

  • Dr. João Cavalcante


MHIF Valve Science Center LIVE CASE
Abbott Northwestern – Minneapolis Heart Institute – Mitral TEER in Secondary MR

Saturday, Sept. 17 at 3:00 PM EDT
Structural Theater, Exhibition Level, Hall B, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Live Case Operators:

  • Dr. Emmanouil Brilakis
  • Dr. Paul Sorajja


TCT Late-Breaking Innovations
First Report of Outcomes in the TRILUMINATE Pivotal Clinical Trial in Patients with Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation

Saturday Sept. 17 at 8:45 AM EDT
Innovation Theater, Room 210, Level 2, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Lecturer: David H. Adams, Mount Sinai Health System

Paul Sorajja, MD, is national principal investigator for the TRILUMINATE Pivotal trial and presented first outcomes from in a late-breaking, scientific session at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in August 2022: See MHIF’s announcement about data presented at ESC 2022.


MHIF Research Highlights from TCT 2022:

Friday, September 16th

Time: 10:10 am – 10:17 am

Session: Structural Heart Roundtable

Location: Room 205, Level 2, Boston Convention and Exhibit Center

Title: Advanced Imaging

Lecturer: João L. Cavalcante

Saturday, September 17th

Time: 8:00 am – 8:15 am

Session: TAVR Evidence Gaps and Controversies

Location: Structural Theater, Exhibition Level, Hall B, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: HALT and HAM: Harmless Bystander or Long-Term Danger?

Lecturer: João L. Cavalcante

Time: 9:16 am – 9:26 am

Session: TCT Innovation: Shark Tank Innovation Competition

Location: Innovation Theater, Room 210, Level 2, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: Sharks’ Discussion

Discussants: Robert S. Schwartz

Time: 9:30 am – 10:15 am

Session: LIVE Case: Abbott Northwestern, Minneapolis Heart Institute – COMPLEX CORONARY CASE

Location: Coronary Theater, Exhibition Level, Hall B, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: LIVE Case: Abbott Northwestern – Minneapolis Heart Institute

Live Case Operators: Emmanouil S. Brilakis, Paul Sorajja

Time: 11:24 am – 11:31 am

Session: TMVR

Location: Emerging Clinical Science & Research: Station 3, Exhibition Level, Hall C, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: TCT 526: Impact of Left Ventricular Scar and Chamber Size on Reverse-remodeling after Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement with Tendyne Device

Moderated Poster Presenter: Miho Fukui

Time: 12:36 pm – 12:48 pm

Session: CTO Studies I

Location: Emerging Clinical Science & Research: Station 2, Exhibition Level, Hall C, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: TCT 109: Use of Subintimal Tracking and Re-entry Technique in Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Moderated Poster Presenter: Judit Karacsonyi

Time: 12:48 pm – 1:00 pm

Session: CTO Studies I

Location: Emerging Clinical Science & Research: Station 2, Exhibition Level, Hall C, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: TCT 110: Use of Atherectomy in Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Moderated Poster Presenter: Judit Karacsonyi

Time: 1:12 pm – 1:24 pm

Session: CTO Studies I

Location: Emerging Clinical Science & Research: Station 2, Exhibition Level, Hall C, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: TCT 112: Predicting In-hospital Acute Myocardial Infarction in Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: The PROGRESS-CTO Acute Myocardial Infarction Score

Moderated Poster Presenter: Bahadir Simsek

Time: 1:12 pm – 1:24 pm

Session: CTO Studies II

Location: Emerging Clinical Science & Research: Station 4, Exhibition Level, Hall C, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: TCT 117: Impact of Proximal Cap Ambiguity on the Outcomes of Chronic Total Occlusion Intervention: Insights from the PROGRESS-CTO Registry

Moderated Poster Presenter: Spyridon Kostantinis

Time: 1:24 pm – 1:36 pm

Session: CTO Studies I

Location: Emerging Clinical Science & Research: Station 2, Exhibition Level, Hall C, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: TCT 113: Predicting the Risk of In-hospital Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: The PROGRESS-CTO MACE Score

Moderated Poster Presenter: Bahadir Simsek

Time: 2:00 pm – 2:45 pm

Session: LIVE Case: University of Washington Medical Center – MITRAL ViV Mitral V in MAC and ViV

Location: Structural Theater, Exhibition Level, Hall B, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: LIVE Case: University of Washington Medical Center

Live Case Discussants: João L. Cavalcante

Time: 3:36 PM – 3:48pm

Session: CTO Studies III

Location: Emerging Clinical Science & Research: Station 2, Exhibition Level, Hall C, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: Predictors of Success in Primary Retrograde Strategy in Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Insights from The PROGRESS-CTO Registry

Moderated Poster Presenter: Bahadir Simsek

Time: 3:30 pm – 4:15 pm

Session: LIVE Case: Abbott Northwestern – Minneapolis Heart Institute – Mitral TEER in Secondary MR

Location: Structural Theater, Exhibition Level, Hall B, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: LIVE Case: Abbott Northwestern – Minneapolis Heart Institute

Live Case Operators: Emmanouil S. Brilakis, Paul Sorajja

Sunday, September 18th

Time: 8:22 am – 8:44 am

Session: Refining Your Technique in Complex PCI-CTO

Location: Training Pavilion 2, Exhibition Level, Hall A, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: Refining Your Technique in Complex PCI-CTO

Training Pavilion Faculty: Emmanouil S. Brilakis

Time: 9:30 am – 9:40 am

Session: Complex Cases with the Masters: CHIP – Equipment-Related Complications

Location: Presentation Theater 2, Room 153, Level 1, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: Keynote Lecture: Tips and Tricks to management of Equipment Related Complications

Lecturer: Emmanouil S. Brilakis

Time: 10:00 am – 10:12 am

Session: MV Repair II

Location: Emerging Clinical Science & Research: Station 4, Exhibition Level, Hall C, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: TCT 415: Contemporary Anatomic Criteria and Clinical Outcomes with Transcatheter Mitral Repair

Moderated Poster Presenter: Hirotomo Sato

Time: 10:41 am – 10:48 am

Session: TCT Innovation: Transcatheter Mitral Valve Technologies

Location: Innovation Theater, Room 210, Level 2, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: Outcomes of Mitral Regurgitation Patients Screen Failed for LVOT Obstruction Treated Using Altavalve

Lecturer: Vinayak N. Bapat

Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Session: PCI in Left Main Disease

Location: Coronary Theater, Exhibition Level, Hall B, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: PCI in Left Main Disease

Moderators: Emmanouil S. Brilakis

Time: 11:50 am – 11:58 am

Session: TCT Innovation: TAVR Technologies and Ancillary Devices

Location: Innovation Theater, Room 210, Level 2, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: DurAVR: Design Concept and FIH Results (Anteris)

Lecturer: Vinayak N. Bapat

Time: 12:12 pm – 12:24 pm

Session: TAVR: Valve-in-Valve

Location: Emerging Clinical Science & Research: Station 5, Exhibition Level, Hall C, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: TCT 520: Deformation of Transcatheter Heart Valve Following Valve-in-vale Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: Implications for Hemodynamics

Moderated Poster Presenter: Miho Fukui

Time: 2:00 pm – 2:45 pm

Session: LIVE Case: Emory University - TMVR

Location: Structural Theater, Exhibition Level, Hall B, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: LIVE Case: Emory University

Live Case Discussants: Paul Sorajja

Time: 2:30 pm – 2:35 pm

Session: Complex Cases with the Masters: CHIP – Calcium Management and Plaque Modification

Location: Presentation Theater 2, Room 153, Level 1, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: TCT 621: Orbital Atherectomy Combined with Lithotripsy in a Right Coronary Artery Chronic Total Occlusion

Challenging Case Presenter: Judit Karacsonyi

Time: 2:45 pm – 3:30 pm

Session: Case-Based 7-Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement

Location: Structural Theater, Exhibition Level, Hall B, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement

Discussants: Paul Sorajja

Title: 3:36 pm – 3:48 pm

Session: PCI Complications

Location: Emerging Clinical Science & Research: Station 2, Exhibition Level, Hall C, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: TCT 170: Development and Validation of a Scoring System for Predicting Clinical Coronary Artery Perforation during Percutaneous Coronary Interventions of Chronic Total Occlusions: The PROGRESS-CTO Perforation Score

Moderated Poster Presenter: Spyridon Kostantinis

Time: 3:40 pm – 3:50 pm

Session: Anteris Tech’s DurAVR THV: Novel Leaflet Design Impact on Physiology & Clinical Performance

Location: Presentation Theater 1, Room 052, Exhibition Level, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: Leaflet Design’s Impact on Physiology

Satellite Presenter: João L. Cavalcante

Time: 3:48 pm – 4:00 pm

Session: PCI Complications

Location: Emerging Clinical Science & Research: Station 2, Exhibition Level, Hall C, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: TCT 171: Predicting the Risk of Perforation Requiring Pericardiocentesis in Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: The PROGRESS-CTO Pericardiocentesis Score

Moderated Poster Presenter: Bahadir Simsek

Time: 4:00 pm – 4:10 pm

Session: Anteris Tech’s DurAVR THV: Novel Leaflet Design Impact on Physiology & Clinical Performance

Location: Presentation Theater 1, Room 052, Exhibition Level, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: DurAVR THV First-in-Human Study – 30-day Results

Satellite Presenter: Paul Sorajja

Time: 5:00 pm – 5:10 pm

Session: Complex Cases with the Masters: CHIP - CTO Complications

Location: Presentation Theater 2, Room 153, Level 1, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: Keynote Lecture: Live and Learn: My Personal Guide to Avoiding CTO Complications

Lecturer: Emmanouil S. Brilakis

Monday, September 19th

Time: 9:15 am – 9:30 am

Session: Perfecting your TEER Techniques: State of the Art in 2022

Location: Structural Theater, Exhibition Level, Hall B, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: Interventional Perspectives and Emerging Therapeutic Options

Lecturer: Paul Sorajja

Time: 9:30 am – 9:37 am

Session: Imaging Mitral Pathology in the Era of TEER and TMVR

Location: Presentation Theater 1, Room 052, Exhibition Level, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: TEER Planning: Real-World Situations Where Multi-Modality Imaging is Recommended (Case-Based)

Lecturer: João L. Cavalcante

Time: 9:52 am – 9:59 am

Session: Imaging Mitral Pathology in the Era of TEER and TMVR

Location: Presentation Theater 1, Room 052, Exhibition Level, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: Tailoring TEER: Imaging for Clip Selection and Technical Approaches (based upon anatomic considerations)

Lecturer: Nadira Hamid

Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Session: Case-Based 10 – Valve Failure – New Insights into Prevention and Management

Location: Structural Theater, Exhibition Level, Hall B, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: Bioprosthetic Valve Failure – New Insights into Prevention and Management

Discussants: Nadira Hamid

Time: 12:48 pm – 1:48 pm

Session: Emerging Clinical Science & Research

Location: Emerging Clinical Science & Research: Station 3, Exhibition Level, Hall C, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: Imaging in Structural Heart Disease II

Discussants: Maurice E. Enriquez-Sarano

Time: 1:36 pm – 1:48 pm

Session: CTO Studies IV

Location: Emerging Clinical Science & Research: Station 5, Exhibition Level, Hall C, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: TCT 128: Saphenous vein graft occlusion following native vessel chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention

Moderated Poster Presenter: Spyridon Kostantinis

Time: 1:48 pm – 2:48 pm

Session: Emerging Clinical Science and Research

Location: Emerging Clinical Science & Research: Station 3, Exhibition Level, Hall C, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: Imaging in Structural Heart Disease III

Discussants: Maurice E. Enriquez-Sarano

Time: 2:57 pm – 3:08 pm

Session: Transcatheter Tricuspid Edge-to-Edge Repair (T-TEER)

Location: Structural Theater, Exhibition Level, Hall B, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: TEE Guidance During T-TEER: Imaging Optimization and When to Pull the ICE Catheter!

Lecturer: Nadira Hamid

Time: 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Session: Case – Based 12 – Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Replacement

Location: Structural Theater, Exhibition Level, Hall B, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Title: Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Replacement

Moderator: Paul Sorajja

Discussants: Nadira Hamid

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The Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation® (MHIF) strives to create a world without heart and vascular disease. To achieve this bold vision, we are dedicated to improving the cardiovascular health of individuals and communities through innovative research and education.

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